Triple Delight for GPL-Era Motorsports Enthusiasts/Historians

Racing events, drivers, cars or anything else from the past.
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Triple Delight for GPL-Era Motorsports Enthusiasts/Historians


Post by LegendsOf67 »

Happy new year everyone!

I thought some of you might like to see these:

1. Check out the fabulous collection of 1960s motorsports pictures at 'The GPL Collection' -

I think it's mostly pictures by Geoffery Goddard. It's interesting to compare the prices of the shots in the GPL collection with similar shots by the same photographer but this time at Getty images.

2. Interview with acclaimed motorsport writer Doug Nye (his books are too numerous to list but classics include BRM Story, Cooper Cars etc). When I first got into GPL about 25yrs and was really hungry for the history, I used to read and learn a lot about the era from what Mr. Nye used to post on what was then called 'The AtlasF1 Nostalgia Forum'. <<put q9ikwzV7ESU between youtube tags you find in the edit post section.

3. 1969: What Makes a McLAREN? | Wheelbase | Retro Transport | BBC Archive - <<put EwbK7U_rrgo between youtube tags you find in the edit post section.

Apologies for the ugly YT links, I can never seem to get them to display correctly on this site.
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